Colorful Characters

Have you tried a different media lately?

Random Characters

Random Characters, Art Markers –Comics

One day at my art desk, I decided I needed a change of pace, so I pulled out a piece of scrap paper and created the characters you see here.

Most of the time I create characters in funny situations for a comic strip called Bacon Wrapped Frog. (Follow the comics link in the description) Those comics are for a pre-written script created by my friend and business partner.

On this occasion I decided to color my characters with art markers. In an interesting turn of events I was able to see how the colors work together more immediately than with watercolor. Here is an example of a character I created in watercolor: Prince Lindberger

Choosing an alternative media to experiment with your favorite subjects can give you new ideas and approaches to your most frequently used media.

The Outdoor Watercolor Learning Experience

Switching media 101:

  • You can play with texture, color, and effects
  • You may also want to apply what you know about your frequently used media with this new media and see how it comes out
  • Make this a playful experience, because you do not know this media the same way you do your frequently used media…note what you have learned

What was the result when you switched media?

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